Bunny, Clive and a Saab

Bunny and Clive wrap

It’s a wrap on the short film Bunny and Clive. The final day of scheduled shooting coincided with a last of hurrah of spring wind and rain in contrast to the weekend’s glorious sunshine. We managed a few interior car shots but there was no way the drone was going to get airborne. A day of pickups is planned for a weekend in June, travelling/drone/interior car shots etc. All footage has been shifted to our editor, Edel McDonnell .


Around forty tracks have been composed for the film over the last couple of months based on the director’s mix tape and other film references. A look at the sizzle real and you know we’re in PT Anderson, Coen brothers territory. The chosen few that make the cut will be edited and remixed to picture. A massive shout-out goes to Boscomac whose Reaktor instruments are the best I’ve come across and have made producing the soundtrack a whole load’a fun.

Saab 900

Thanks to the Saab Owners Club UK, and Brian, the problem of the hero car was sorted out. The retro Volvo estate didn’t have the boot the script required. The Saab 900 is a beauty of a car with big, near ND free windows, a light beige interior finish, massive boot and a matt coat of faded red paint courtesy of time and Mother Nature.  I’d like one. It’s design echoes another favourite, the Citroen DS.